Four (4) Peer & (14) fourteen Khanwadasas
What is Four (4) Peer & Fourteen(14
)Khanwadasas of Salasil-e-Tariqat
spiritual and temporal head of the Muslims is Huzoor e Poor Noor Sayyadul
Aalameen Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Salla Allahu 'alayh wasalam). Spiritually He
is the fountainhead from whom all channels of guidance and inner inspiration
flow to all directions. Although all the prominent Companions of Sayyadinah
Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Salla Allahu 'alayh wasalam) continued to provide
outer and inner guidance to the Muslim people, wherever they happened to be
after the departure of Rasoolullah (Salla Allahu 'alayh wasalam) from this
world, the main source of spiritual inspiration and training were the first
Caliph, Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (Radi Allahu anhu), and the fourth Caliph
Hazrat Ali al-Murtuzaa(Radi Allahu anhu) , who has been described in a Hadith
as the gateway to the "City of Knowledge", the City being Sayyidinah
Huzoor e Akram (Salla Allahu 'alayh wasalam) Himself. Knowledge (Ilm) has been
identified with inner esoteric knowledge. Hazrat Abu Bakr-Siddiq(Radi Allahu
anhu) was succeded by Hazrat Salman Farsi (Radi Allahu anhu) as a Caliph and
the Silsilah Naqshbandiya traces its origin to Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(Radi
Allahu anhu) through Hazrat Salman Farsi (Radi Allahu anhu).
The remaining three great Salasil (Plural of
Silsila) sprang from the leadership of Hazrat Ali (Radi Allahu anhu) in the
following manner:
Hazrat Ali (Radi Allahu anhu) had
four Caliphs:
1. Sayyidinah Hazrat Imam Hasan
(Radi Allahu anhu)..
2. Sayyidinah Hazrat Imam Hussein
(Radi Allahu anhu). .
3. Hazrat Khwaja Ibn Ziyad (Radi
Allahu anhu). .
4. Hazrat Khwaja Imam Hasan of Basra
(Radi Allahu anhu).
Hazrat Imam Hasan & Sayyidinah Hazrat Imam Hussein (Radi Allahu anhu),were
succeeded by their sons and the sons of their sons, all known as Aimma-e- Ahl-Bait,
who continued to guide the Muslims throughout centuries.
Hazrat Imam
Hasan of Basra (Radi Allahu anhu) had many Caliphs.
Two of them
being prominent:
1. Hazrat Abdul Wahid bin Zaid (Radi
Allahu anhu).
2. Hazrat Habib Ajami (Radi Allahu
anhu) ( Habib the Persian.
The Fourteen Salasil
Caliphs of Imam Hasan Basra (Radi Allahu anhu) went on multiplying during the
first and second centuries of the Islamic era till they were grouped into the
following fourteen orders or schools each named after their heads
Hazrat Abdul Wahid bin Zaid (Radi
Allahu anhu) was the khalifa of Hazrat Khwaja Imam Hasan of Basra (Radi Allahu
anhu) from whom these 5 Khanwadas started.
Silsila Zaidia:
It is named after Khwaja
Zaid bin Abdul Wahid (Radi Allahu anhu), the Khalipha of Hazrat Hasan of Basra
(Radi Allahu anhu). Shaikh Zaid (Radi Allahu anhu) received another robe
(khirqa) of khalafat from Shaikh Kumal bin Ziyad (Radi Allahu anhu) as well.
Five of the descendants of Hazrat Abdullah bin Auf (Radi Allahu anhu) famous
companion of Rasoolullah(Salla Allahu 'alayh wasalam), also joined this Silsila.
the end of his life, Shaikh Zaid bin Abdul Wahid(Radi Allahu anhu) selected two
of his promonent disciples and commissioned them as his deputies (Khalifas) to
guide others. They were Shaikh Fuzail Ibn Ayaz(Radi Allahu anhu) and Shaikh
Yaqub as-Susi(Radi Allahu anhu).
2. Silsila Ayaziya
This is named after Shaikh Fuzail
Ibn Ayaz(Radi Allahu anhu). He received spiritual guidance from other Mashaikh
of the day as well, such as the members of the Blessed Family of Rasool
Allah(Salla Allahu 'alayh wasalam), the Aimma –e- Ahl Bait, He was also guided
by the Companions of the Companions of Rasool Allah(Salla Allahu 'alayh
wasalam), known as the Tabiyin, who were living in the more prominent places of
Arabia in large numbers and guiding the people in the esoteric sciences of
3. Silsila Adhmiya:
This Silsila is named after its head, Shaikh
Ibrahim bin Adham (Radi Allahu anhu) who received spiritual guidance and
khalafat at the hands of Shaikh Fuzail Ibn Ayaz(Radi Allahu anhu) and
Sayyidinah Imam Baqir(Radi Allahu anhu), grandson of Sayyidinah Hazrat Imam
Hussein(Radi Allahu anhu), grandson of Rasool Allah(Salla Allahu 'alayh
wasalam), on his Blessed Daughter's side. This Silsila connects up with
Sayyidinah Hazrat Ali (Radi Allahu anhu), via Sayyidinah Hazrat Imam Husain (Radi
Allahu anhu) as well as Shaikh Hasan of Basra(Radi Allahu anhu).
4. Silsila Hubairiya:
It is named after Khwaja Abu Hubaira Aminuddin(Radi Allahu anhu) of
Basra, who was a Khalifa of Khwaja Huzaifa Marashi(Radi Allahu anhu), the
Khalifa of Hazrat Ibrahim bin Adham(Radi Allahu anhu) , Khalifa of Shaikh Fuzail
Ibn Ayaz(Radi Allahu anhu) , Khalifa of Shaikh Abdul Wahid bin Zaid(Radi Allahu
anhu), Khalifa of Shaikh Imam Hasan of Basra(Radi Allahu anhu).
5. Silsila Chishtiya:
The head of this Silsila is
Khwaja Mumshad Ali Dainuri(Radi Allahu anhu) who was the Khalifa of Khwaja Abu
Hubaira Aminuddin Basri(Radi Allahu anhu). Khwaja Mamshad Ali Dainuri (Radi
Allahu anhu) was succeeded by Khwaja Abu Ishaq Shami (Radi Allahu anhu) who was
deputed by the Shaikh to settle down at a place called Chist in the neighbourhood
of Herat in Afganistan. Shaikh Abu Ishaq Shami(Radi Allahu anhu) was the first
Shaikh who was called Abu Ishaq Chisti(Radi Allahu anhu). It is thus that a
great Silsila Chishtiya came into existence. He was succeeded by Khwaja Abu
Ahmad Abdal(Radi Allahu anhu) who was a dignitary of Chist. Khwaja Abu
Ahmad(Radi Allahu anhu) was succeeded by Khwaja Abu Muhammad Chishti (Radi
Allahu anhu), who was succeeded by Khwaja Abu Yusuf Chishti(Radi Allahu anhu),
who was succeeded by Khwaja Qutubuddin Maudud Chishti(Radi Allahu anhu). These
five Shaikhs are known as the pillars of Silsila Chishtiya and are buried at
Hazrat Habib al Ajami (Radi Allahu anhu) the second Persian after
Hazrat Sulaiman Farsi (Radi Allahu anhu), carried the torch of the spiritual
light of Sufism to hishomeland, Iran, and many Arab and non-Arab Shayukh
(plural of Shaikh) received training from him. These are the 9 Khanwadas which
started from him.
6. Silsila Ajamiya:
It is named after Khwaja Habib Ajami(Radi Allahu anhu) who was the
Khalifa of Shaikh Imam Hasan of Basra.
7. Silsila Taifuriya
It is named after Shaikh Sultan-al-Arifin,
Khwaja Abu Yazid Bistami(Radi Allahu anhu) whose original name was Taifur. It
is stated in Tazkarat-ul-Awliya by Shaikh Fariduddin Attar (Radi Allahu anhu)
that Shaikh Abu Yazid(Radi Allahu anhu) received spiritual Faizan from a
hundred and sixteen Shaikhs and that He lived twelve years with Sayyidina Imam
Jafar as-Sadiq(Radi Allahu anhu), the sixth Imam of the family of Sayyidinah
Rasoolullah(Salla Allahu 'alayh wasalam), and received spiritual blessings and
benefits. Some are of the opinion that he received inspiration from Sayyidinah
Imam Jafar as-Sadiq(Radi Allahu anhu) by the way of Uwaisiya (i.e. after the
latters demise through spiritual presence). However, both of these methods are
recognised by the Spiritualists as effective. It is said that in Lataif Ashrafi
He received Khalafat from Khwaja Habib Ajami (Radi Allahu anhu) as well who is
also nown as Habib Pak-e- Dil(Radi Allahu anhu). Hazrat Badiuddine Zinda Shah
Madar(Radi Allahu anhu) got khilafat from Hazrat Khwaja Abu Yazid Bistami(Radi
Allahu anhu) and Silsila-E-Madariya came to existance. Plz see the Shijra
Mubarak of Madariya for detailed overview.
8. Silsila Karkhiya
is named after Khwaja Maaruf Karkhi(Radi Allahu anhu) who received Khalafat
from Sayyidinah Imam Musa Kazim(Radi Allahu anhu), the seventh Imam of the
Blessed Family of Sayyidinah Rasoolullah(Salla Allahu 'alayh wasalam). He
received another robe of Khilafat from Khwaja Dawood Tai (Radi Allahu anhu) who
was the Khalifa of Shaikh Habib Ajami(Radi Allahu anhu) .
9. Silsila Saqtiya
The head of this Silsila is Shaikh
Khwaja Sari Saqti(Radi Allahu anhu) who was the Khalifa of Shaikh Ma'ruf al
Kharki(Radi Allahu anhu)
10. Silsila
Silsila is named after Khwaja Junaid of Baghdad (Radi Allahu anhu) who was a
Mureed and Khalifa of Khwaja Sari Saqti(Radi Allahu anhu). These Shaikhs were
so great that all the various branches and their offshoots were known after them
under separate names.
11. Silsila
is known after the name of Khwaja Abu Ishaq Gazruni(Radi Allahu anhu) who was
the king of Gazrun. He left his kingdom and became the mureed of Khwaja
Abdullah Khafif(Radi Allahu anhu) who was the Khalifa of Khwaja Muhammad
Roem(Radi Allahu anhu), the Khalifa of Shaikh Junaid of Baghdad(Radi Allahu
anhu) who traced his origin with Hazrat Ali(Radi Allahu anhu)
12. Silsila
head of this Silsila was Shaikh Ala ud-Din Tusi (Radi Allahu anhu) , Khalifa of
Khwaja Wajhuddin Abu Hafs (Radi Allahu anhu) who was connected up with Shaikh
Junaid Baghdadi (Radi Allahu anhu) through intermediary Shaikhs. Shaikh Ala
ud-Din Tusi (Radi Allahu anhu) was a friend of Shaikhs Najmuddin Kubra of
Firdaus(Radi Allahu anhu).
Najmuddin Kubra(Radi Allahu anhu) was a Khalifa of Shaikh Abu Najib
Suharwardi(Radi Allahu anhu) .
The Suhrawardi tariqah (way) was initiated by Shaykh Diya al-Din
Abu al Najib Abd al-Qahir [d.1168 CE] (Radi Allahu anhu) during the 12th
century. This sufi order is named the Suhrawardiya tariqahmurid (disciple) of
Ahmad Ghazali(Radi Allahu anhu), Imam al-Ghazali's(Radi Allahu anhu) younger
brother, and was the author of one of the most widely read sufi 'student'
education guides, 'Adab al-Muridin. This work has been translated into many different
languages and adopted by many sufi orders.
After the death of Abu Najib Suhrawardi (Radi Allahu anhu), the
tariqa was substantially developed by his nephew, the hugely influential Shihab
al-Din Abu Hafs Umar ibn Abd'allah Suhrawardi (Radi Allahu anhu) [1234 CE], who
is often said to be the real founder of the order. Shihab al-Din Abu Hafs (Radi
Allahu anhu) studied under his uncle as well as Master, Abu Najib Suhrawardi (Radi
Allahu anhu), and wrote the treatise the Awaarif al-Maarif, which became even
more popular and widely read, as it enhanced the influence of the Suhrawardiya
in the sub-continent. The Awaarif al-Maarif is considered one of the real
classics of tasawwuf today. The rulers of Persia and Iran had a special respect
for him. The Persian poet Shayh Sa'di, was
also his mureed.
14. Silsila Firdausiya
head of this Silsila is Shaikh Najmuddin Kubra(Radi Allahu anhu) who was a
dignitary of Firdaus and was a Mureed and Khalifa of Shaikh Abu Najib
Suharwardi(Radi Allahu anhu). Mawlaanah Jami(Rehmatullah alaih) has said in his
Nafahat al-Uns that Shaikh Najmuddin(Radi Allahu anhu) got another robe of
Khalafat from Shaikh Ammar Yasir(Radi Allahu anhu) as well. Shaikh Ammar
Yasir(Radi Allahu anhu) was one of the prominent Khalifas of Shaikh Abu Najib
Suharwardi(Radi Allahu anhu) who was connected up with Shaikh Junaid
Baghdadi(Radi Allahu anhu) through six Shaikhs in-between.
the four Silsilas, Firdausiya, SUHRAWARDIYA, Tusiya and Gazruniya, join up with
Shaikh Junaid Baghdadi(Radi Allahu anhu) who is connected through another link
of Tariqat with Imam Ali Raza(Radi Allahu anhu), son of Imam Musa Kazim(Radi
Allahu anhu), son of Imam Jafar Sadiq(Radi Allahu anhu), son of Imam Baqir(Radi
Allahu anhu), son of Imam Zainul Abidin(Radi Allahu anhu), son of Amir
ul-Mumineen Sayyidinah Imam Hussein(Radi Allahu anhu), son of Amir ul-Mumineen
Sayyidinah Hazrat Ali(Radi Allahu anhu), the fourth
of Aaqaa e Do Jahan Sayyidinah Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha(Salla Allahu 'alayh
wasalam). According to a tradition, Amir ul-Mumineen Sayyidinah Imam Hasan(Radi
Allahu anhu) also comes in these four Silsilas. because Najib al-Din
Abd'al-Qahir(Radi Allahu anhu) was born in Suhrawardinagar in Jibal province in
Iran [persia]. Najib al-Din Abd'al-Qahir (Radi Allahu anhu) was a [disciple].
is stated in Nafahat al-Uns that Shakih Abu Najib Suharwardi(Radi Allahu anhu)
also received Khilafat from Shaikh Kumal bin Ziyad(Radi Allahu anhu) who was a
Khalifah of Hazrat Ali , through the following link
Shaikh Abu Najib, Shaikh Ismail
Misri, Shaikh Muhammad bin Maukil, Shaikh Muhammad bin Daud, Shaikh Abdul Abbas
bin Idriss, Shaikh Abdul Qasim bin Ramdhan, Shaikh Abu Yaqub Rabri,Shaikh Abu
Abdullah Usman al Makki, Shaikh Abu Yaqub Nahrjori, Shaikh Yaqub as-Suhi,
Shaikh Kumail Ibn Ziyad (Radi Allahu Anhum) who was the Khalifah of Hazrat Ali
. It is stated that Shaikh Najmuddin Kubra (Radi Allahu anhu) had as many as
seventy Khaliphs of his own status. His followers are divided into two
Firdausia and Kubriya.
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